
The MYD newsletters are a quick read because time is precious.  The focus is to provide a few carefully chosen bits of information that will support your efforts to provide a productive climate in your classroom and at your school.  Each issue is guaranteed to have at least one idea that will provide a springboard for additional thoughts and ideas.  At the very least, it will give you something to talk about in the lunchroom as you are trying to eat, communicate, run copies, grade papers, plan lessons, etc. etc. etc.
Girl pulling wagon with newspapers

Document Library

DocumentSpring 2014Examples of best practices
DocumentSummer 2014Revitalizing MYD at your school
DocumentFall 2014Points and Changing Behavior

Document Library

DocumentFall 2013Maintaining Fidelity of Points/Concerns
DocumentWinter 2013Begin 2014 with a MYD Review